I'm really loving this Argan oil body butter by LT Organics. I'm tired
of using the cheap kinds that are either too watery and thin or too
thick and pasty. I like this lotion much better. It's moisturizing and
goes on well.

It's made of oils such as sunflower oil, coconut
oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, flax seed oil, Argan oil, and more. No
parabans or sufates and it's cruelty free which is a big plus for me!
it's a wonderful mix of moisturizing elements. It goes on wonderful and
smells fabulous. It's not a strong smell which is what I like. It's very
light and relaxing. Even though my boyfriend isn't a fan of the scent. But his opinion is null in void! ;)
My skin
feels soft with it and right now is the time that my skin gets super dry
and cracked.
It comes in a large, generous tub and I definitely
think it is worth the asking price. It seems like it would last quite a
Consider this in reference to the price:

You're going to go
buy another brand of body Butter from Bath & Body Works or
Victoria's Secret for some over fragranced watered down lotion for the
same price. Why not buy one that actually does what it's made to do?
Moisturize thirsty skin. To be honest, I will probably never buy lotion
from those places again. Plus, I think I'll order some as gifts because
they give discounts if you order certain amounts.
Where to buy:
*DISCLAIMER* I received this product at a discount in exchange for my
honest review. I am in no way affiliated with this company and was not
None of the links mentioned are affiliations.